March 13, 2024 | Medi-Products

Curious About Sample Integrity? Learn How Battery Backup Power Supports Cryogenic Storage Systems

In case you missed it, catch up on the previous entries in our series detailing the design and operation of pharmaceutical research labs and how backup power fits in.

The pursuit of innovation and excellence hinges on the integrity of precious biomedical samples. From groundbreaking drug development to cutting-edge genetic research, the stability and security of these samples are critical to shaping the future of medicine. However, the unpredictable nature of power outages poses a constant threat to the delicate balance of sample integrity.freezer-temperature

Today, we embark on a journey to explore the indispensable role of battery backup power in supporting Cryogenic Storage Systems. Join us as we unravel the secrets of preserving sample integrity, safeguarding medicines, and the transformative impact of backup power solutions in the realm of healthcare facilities and pharmaceutical research labs.

The Imperative of Sample Integrity:

In the quest for medical advancements, researchers in pharmaceutical labs rely heavily on the integrity of their biological samples. These delicate materials, ranging from genetic specimens to cell cultures, are the building blocks of groundbreaking research.ult thumbnail-1

The ability to maintain sample integrity is the difference between success and failure in the world of pharmaceutical discovery. As such, safeguarding these samples from unexpected power outages becomes paramount, and this is where battery backup power steps in as a knight in shining armor.

Cryogenic Storage Systems: The Gateway to Sample Preservation:

Cryogenic Storage Systems form the bedrock of sample preservation in pharmaceutical research labs. Operating at ultra-low temperatures, these systems keep delicate samples in a state of suspended animation, preserving their viability for future research and experimentation.Ultra cold freezer thumbnail

As these samples hold the potential to unlock medical breakthroughs, it is essential to ensure their uninterrupted preservation, even in the face of power disruptions.

The Vulnerability of Healthcare Facilities:

Healthcare facilities, including pharmaceutical research labs, are not immune to power outages. Whether due to natural disasters, infrastructure issues, or unforeseen circumstances, these interruptions can occur without warning.

The impact of such outages on critical research processes and sample integrity cannot be underestimated. Battery backup power emerges as a proactive solution, safeguarding against the adverse effects of power loss and preserving the momentum of research.

Learn more about protecting vaccines during an emergency power outage. With our new “Planning Guide”
Learn more about protecting vaccines during an emergency power outage. With our new “Planning Guide”


The Power of Battery Backup Solutions:

Battery backup power solutions have evolved into highly sophisticated systems that offer instantaneous protection during power outages. With intelligent monitoring and seamless power transfer capabilities, these solutions act as the invisible safety net for Cryogenic Storage Systems.20210622_102754

When the primary power source falters, backup power takes over, ensuring the ultra-low temperatures essential for preserving sample integrity remain stable and secure.


Safeguarding Medicines and Biomedical Samples:

Beyond genetic research, pharmaceutical research labs are the custodians of critical medicines and other temperature-sensitive biomedical samples.

The efficacy of these medications relies on maintaining strict temperature control, and power outages can compromise their stability, rendering them ineffective or even harmful. Battery backup power solutions play a pivotal role in preserving the viability of medicines and protecting the valuable resources that underpin medical advancements.

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The Assurance of Uninterrupted Research:

In the race to improve human health, time is a precious commodity. Even brief disruptions in research operations can have far-reaching consequences, delaying critical discoveries and impacting the lives of patients worldwide. By ensuring uninterrupted power supply, battery backup solutions empower researchers to forge ahead without hindrance, accelerating the journey towards medical breakthroughs.


In the world of pharmaceutical research, the preservation of sample integrity stands as the cornerstone of progress. With Cryogenic Storage Systems housing invaluable genetic specimens, cell cultures, and critical medicines, safeguarding these samples from power outages is non-negotiable. Battery backup power solutions emerge as the champions of sample preservation, ensuring uninterrupted operations and seamless power transfer.

Once the power goes out, the clock starts.back-up-battery-systems

Battery backup systems offer instant and automatic power for both medical equipment and laboratory appliances alike. No staff needs to be on-site to monitor or start the generator. Valuable samples and inventory will stay safe without any extra effort.

Their shape is vertical like a cabinet, and their batteries don't leak. This means they can fit into small spaces and be positioned in any way. Meaning now matter how crowded your vaccine or sample room is, you can ensure you'll be protected.

Plus, if your lab or storage room is truly tight on space, a hardwired backup power unit can instantly supply remote power to your appliance. It does so via the outlet its already plugged into.

No matter what system you choose, it will protect your biomedical and chemical samples from power loss. It guarantees a smooth switch from utility power to backup power, avoiding temperature excursions.

And for Facilities who perform outpatient operations, battery power instantly engages, keeping your operations going with zero downtime due to their advanced battery technology.

Even better, is that battery generators can be outfitted with as much power as you want. So system’s can be designed with enough power to protect a facility’s inventory: runtime

  • Overnight
  • All day
  • Over a weekend
  • Or even for a whole week.

So, to protect your facility from tens of thousands of dollars in lost inventory speak to a Medi-Products battery backup expert.

They’ll help design you a system that both meets your power needs and will fit inside your facility—for a much lower cost than what your vaccines are worth. So a backup power system pays for itself the first time your power goes out.

Designing a system for you is as easy as taking a picture of your appliance’s nameplate, and a photo of the room where it’s in.nameplate photo

Then, you just email both photos to our Product experts, and we’ll provide you with multiple options for backup power protection.

At Medi-Products, we provide you with all the help you need to keep up with NFPA 99 changes, including all relevant local and regional standards. If you have questions about meeting NFPA requirements for your emergency and electrical power systems, contact us. We will be happy to answer all of your questions.

For more information contact: 1.800.7653237

Read the next blog in our series on pharmaceutical research labs here.

Battery Backup for Vaccine Refrigerators and Freezers.

Power Outage Vaccine refrigerators and freezers

Our powerful battery backup systems will instantly power multiple appliances during a power outage. These custom sized systems can provide power for up to 72 hours of runtime!