| March 13, 2024 | Medi-Products

Preserving Potency: The Impact of Proper Storage on Chemotherapy Effectiveness

In case you missed it, catch up on the previous entries in our series detailing the design and operation of Oncology Centers and why backup power is crucial for modern and fully-optimized operations.

The efficacy of chemotherapy holds the key to unlocking hope and healing for countless patients. Behind every dose lies the potential to conquer the disease and empower patients to embrace life with newfound strength.

Yet, in the pursuit of positive outcomes, one critical factor often slips under the radar – the proper storage of chemotherapy medications. The impact of storage conditions on medication potency cannot be underestimated.feature-cold-storage

In this article, we delve into the vital significance of preserving chemotherapy medication potency through proper storage. Join us as we explore the role of backup power in hospitals, the importance of protecting vaccines, medicines, and test samples, and how these elements converge to ensure uninterrupted patient care and optimal treatment effectiveness.

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Unlocking the Potential of Chemotherapy

Chemotherapy stands as a cornerstone of cancer treatment, delivering powerful medications to combat the disease on multiple fronts. The success of each treatment lies in the efficacy and potency of the medications administered. However, the journey from pharmaceutical production to patient administration is fraught with challenges, and proper storage becomes an integral component in unlocking the full potential of chemotherapy.

The Crucial Role of Storage Conditions

The effectiveness of chemotherapy medications is sensitive to environmental factors, and improper storage can compromise their potency. Maintaining the ideal storage conditions, including temperature, humidity, and light exposure, is crucial to ensuring that each medication retains its maximum therapeutic potential.

Temperature-Controlled Storage Solutions

Temperature-controlled storage units offer a lifeline for preserving the potency of chemotherapy medications. By maintaining precise temperature ranges, these units shield medications from the harmful effects of temperature fluctuations. Backup power in hospitals ensures that these storage units remain operational during power outages, safeguarding valuable medications and preventing any interruption to patient care.Ultra cold freezer thumbnail

Safeguarding Vaccines, Medicines, and Test Samples

Beyond chemotherapy medications, oncology centers manage a myriad of critical resources, such as vaccines, medicines, and test samples. Each of these assets requires meticulous protection to maintain their efficacy and integrity.

The Impact of Vaccine Preservation20220714_125455

Vaccines are instrumental in preventing infectious diseases and protecting public health. Temperature-controlled storage units with backup power capabilities play a pivotal role in preserving the potency of vaccines. Even during power outages, these units ensure continuous temperature control, safeguarding vaccine efficacy and bolstering public immunity.

The Vital Importance of Medicine Stability

Critical medicines are the backbone of patient care in oncology centers. Proper storage is essential to maintaining their stability and effectiveness. Backup power solutions ensure that these medicines remain viable and ready for immediate use, empowering healthcare providers to deliver uninterrupted care and optimal treatment outcomes.

Preserving the Integrity of Research

In the realm of medical research, valuable test samples are the linchpin of pioneering discoveries. The reliability and reproducibility of research findings depend on the preservation of these specimens. Temperature-controlled storage solutions, bolstered by backup power, offer the assurance that test samples remain viable, accelerating the development of life-changing treatments.

Learn more about protecting vaccines during an emergency power outage. With our new “Planning Guide”
Learn more about protecting vaccines during an emergency power outage. With our new “Planning Guide”

Strategies for Optimal Storage Practices

To preserve the potency of chemotherapy medications, oncology centers can implement strategies for optimal storage practices. Regular maintenance and calibration of storage units, ongoing staff training, and adherence to safety protocols form the foundation of a successful medication management approach.

The Resilience of Backup Power

In the face of power outages, backup power systems serve as a vital safety net. These systems ensure the continuous operation of critical medical equipment and temperature-controlled storage units. The integration of backup power capabilities strengthens the center's resilience, guaranteeing uninterrupted patient care and protecting valuable medical resources during emergencies.


In conclusion, the impact of proper storage on chemotherapy effectiveness cannot be underestimated. Ensuring the potency of medications, protecting vaccines, medicines, and test samples, and the crucial role of backup power converge to support the unwavering commitment of oncology centers to patient care and positive treatment outcomes.

By prioritizing proper storage practices and investing in reliable backup power solutions, oncology centers empower patients with the best chance of conquering cancer and embracing a future filled with hope and healing. Together, let us unlock the full potential of chemotherapy and inspire a brighter tomorrow for patients and their loved ones.

In the high-stakes world of healthcare, resilience through backup power is non-negotiable. By considering the critical role of backup power and safeguarding sensitive biomedical materials, healthcare professionals can design facilities that prioritize patient care, preserve invaluable resources, and support medical advancements.

Once the power goes out, the clock starts.

Calculate Your potential savings with a battery backup system

Let Us Assist You With Your Backup Power Needs!


Battery backup systems offer instant and automatic power for both medical equipment and laboratory appliances alike. No staff needs to be on-site to monitor or start the generator. Valuable samples and inventory will stay safe without any extra effort.

Their shape is vertical like a cabinet, and their batteries don't leak. This means they can fit into small spaces and be positioned in any way. Meaning now matter how crowded your vaccine or sample room is, you can ensure you'll be protected.

Plus, if your lab or storage room is truly tight on space, a hardwired backup power unit can instantly supply remote power to your appliance. It does so via the outlet its already plugged into.

No matter what system you choose, it will protect your biomedical and chemical samples from power loss. It guarantees a smooth switch from utility power to backup power, avoiding temperature excursions.

And for Facilities who perform outpatient operations, battery power instantly engages, keeping your operations going with zero downtime due to their advanced battery technology.

Even better, is that battery generators can be outfitted with as much power as you want. So system’s can be designed with enough power to protect a facility’s inventory: 

  • Overnight
  • All day
  • Over a weekendpower-fluctuation
  • Or even for a whole week.

So, to protect your facility from tens of thousands of dollars in lost inventory speak to a Medi-Products battery backup expert.

They’ll help design you a system that both meets your power needs and will fit inside your facility—for a much lower cost than what your vaccines are worth. So a backup power system pays for itself the first time your power goes out.

Designing a system for you is as easy as taking a picture of your appliance’s nameplate, and a photo of the room where it’s in.

Then, you just email both photos to our Product experts, and we’ll provide you with multiple options for backup power protection.

At Mediproducts, we provide you with all the help you need to keep up with NFPA 99 changes, including all relevant local and regional standards. If you have questions about meeting NFPA requirements for your emergency and electrical power systems, contact us. We will be happy to answer all of your questions.

For more information contact: 1.800.7653237

Battery Backup for Vaccine Refrigerators and Freezers.

Power Outage Vaccine refrigerators and freezers

Our powerful battery backup systems will instantly power multiple appliances during a power outage. These custom sized systems can provide power for up to 72 hours of runtime!