| March 13, 2024 | Medi-Products

How To Prepare for a Vaccine Fridge Failure

Unexpected events are part of life!  You can't stop them from happening but we could try our best to prepare for them. Like the old saying goes: You can't predict the future, but you can plan for it!   Well, our question for you today is: Do you have a preparation, plan, and people in place for a vaccine fridge failure? Consider your vaccine or medication fridge. These refrigerators serve not only as an important role in helping nurses and doctors provide aid to their patients, but they also can be too costly to risk a failure.


What would you do if the power went out?

These things happen, power surges can blow outlets and circuit breakers. Storms can knock out the grid and it can take days for the power company to get it back on. The wiring in your building could be old and fail.

Do you have a emergency vaccine storage and handling plan in place in case this happens? Have you prepared steps you can take in emergency situations? A medical fridge is crucial in preserving patient’s health. Do you have a plan to prevent a vaccine refrigerator power outage like this from happening in the first place?

Power Outage Emergencies and How to Handle Them


Medical fridges protect both a patient’s safety and store part of a private practice or hospital’s investment. Without power vaccines go bad and need disposed of. Ask yourself this, can your practice handle losing its vaccine or medicine stock?

You answer likely is, probably not. If an emergency happened today would you have the storage space to preserve your stock in other fridges? Even if you happened to have extra space would you have the time and manpower needed during a power outage to safely move, store, and track your product?

The key to great emergency preparation lies in assuming anything can happen and creating responses to these situations. The best solutions are easy to use, affordable, and can offer protection for days on end while waiting for the power to be restored.


A Lasting Solution

If you want a solution that is economical, easy to use, and can offer protection for days at a time consider the refrigerator backup battery.

A refrigerator battery backup is an easy to use emergency solution to the power going out. The backup battery takes up little space, fits into the flow of the room without impeding foot traffic, and can offer up to a 120 hours of continued support in case of a power outage.

If you are interested in learning more, getting a free evaluation, and creating a safe, economical, and lasting response to energy outages you can get a free evaluation here.


Battery Backup for Vaccine Refrigerators and Freezers.

Power Outage Vaccine refrigerators and freezers

Our powerful battery backup systems will instantly power multiple appliances during a power outage. These custom sized systems can provide power for up to 72 hours of runtime!